Please use the following links for frequently asked questions about the FairGolfMatch.Com web site.
What is the golfer list and how does it work?
How are match teams determined?
How is a golfer's match rating calculated?
How does FairGolfMatch.Com maintain my scores and golf stats?
What is my FairGolfMatch handicap and how is it calculated?
All videos are available on YouTube. Search for FairGolfMatch.Com.
(Apologies for the videos. We have a face made for radio and a voice made for the printed page.)
How do I log in and view the courses I play? - Video
What is the course list? - Video
How do I add a new course to FairGolfMatch.Com? - Video
What is the golfer list and how does it work? - Video
How do I enter a guest into a golf match? - Video
How do I create golf match teams - Video
How do I enter team scores for a golf match? - Video
How do I determine match results after all scores are entered? - Video
How do I enter a summary score and see a history & analysis of my scores? - Video
How do I enter a detailed score and see a history & analysis of my scores? - Video
What is my personal notebook and how do I make entries? - Video

FAQ's - FairGolfMatch.Com